We are a full service

Design Agency

At Nifnix Resources, we’re not just any agency – we’re experts in the Business of Design. Our tailored design solutions make your brand stand out in the digital landscape. With our talented team and cutting-edge technology, we bring your ideas to life, combining design and technology in innovative ways. Partner with us today to unlock the limitless potential of Creative Design for your business’s growth and success.

What we do

Delivering the best digital creative designs for your brand.

Web Design

Our talented team combines design and technology to bring your ideas to life. Partner with us today and unleash the power of CreaTech for your business’s growth and success.

Brand Identity

We create a strong brand identity that resonates with your audience. Whether it’s a captivating logo, stunning visuals, or a cohesive brand story, we deliver exceptional results. Partner with us today to create a standout brand.

Marketing Design

With our tailored services and collaborative approach, we amplify your brand’s impact in the digital landscape. Partner with us today and witness the transformative power of our unique approach.

Generating New Ideas, Solving Big Problems.

Collaborating closely with clients, our creative team works on to generate fresh ideas and solve big problems.

Projects & Collaborations

Satisfied Clients

Ongoing Projects

Cups Of Kopi

Why we are different

We excel in the field of digital solutions by combining cutting-edge creative design technology. What sets us apart is our agile teams, who work closely with clients and tap into the expertise of top digital minds. With our tailored solutions and unique approach, we enhance your brand’s impact in the digital landscape. 

Our Latest Work

Unlocking Creative Possibilities with Our Latest Work.

Our Skills

Unlock Your Limitless Potential with Nifnix Resources’ Skills.

Unlock Your Potential with Nifnix Resources. Our team specializes in blending design and tech to bring ideas to life. Partnering closely with clients and top digital minds to drive growth and success for your business.

  • Branding Design – 94%
  • Marketing Design – 95
  • Web Design – 96%

Some Of Our Clients

From Our Clients

Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit laborum. Sed ut perspiciatis unde omnis.

“Nifnix has been our go-to service provider for our chain of corporate websites. Their after-sales support is magnificent!”

Ravi Kumar

CEO, RKG Group

“We’ve been operating quite some time without an official website. Since we’ve got a huge clientele base, we engaged with NX. Now, we get enquiries globally with our digital presence. We’re growing.”

Mr. Parthiban

Director, OM E&I (Labuan) Sdn.Bhd.

“Finally we got our corporate identity done as per our request. One thing for sure, these guys are serious when it comes to branding.”


Founder, Optimum Zolution Sdn.Bhd.

“We are a well known eatery in Bangsar. Our branding needed a fresh change to be on par with the current trend, and so we’ve got Nifnix to take on the project. Loving it since day one!.”

Mrs. Balakrishnan

Owner, Bala's Banana Leaf Bangsar

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